May 13, 2024 Volker Ströhlein

Album design with zero frustration

Sort your pictures by capture time with one click

Great news everyone! You can now sort your photos by capture time (as well as “natural order” and “alphanumerical order”).
What is this? Short story: if you name your files like we’ve told you, i.e.,
wedding-001.jpg, wedding-002.jpg, wedding-003.jpg, etc
you don’t have to worry about anything!
But if your workflow is… well, a bit of a mess and your filenames have different prefixes, or lack leading zeroes, you can (as of now) still get the photos in the right order: simply click on the new up/down arrow in the bottom right corner (see screenshot) and you will be presented with a pop-up dialog which lets you sort in different ways. Natural sorting, i.e., where file-2.jpg comes before file-10.jpg is the default. Alphanumerical sorting is how computers traditionally sort, where file-2.jpg comes _after_ file-10.jpg. (We don’t expect anyone to use this option.) And sorting by capture time is just what it sounds like, but it requires that you export your photos with EXIF information intact (or otherwise that sorting option is disabled).
The old 👍 button, which used to sit where the new up/down arrow button is, is now part of the new pop-up dialog: it lets you see gallery selected photos first in the list. This is useful if you, e.g., have uploaded all photos from a wedding and your client has chosen 50 from the gallery.